This morning, we walked into the classroom to discover that we’d been booed! Our furniture was creatively rearranged, there were spiderwebs everywhere, and erasers and fangs were found on each student’s desk.


There were posters hanging from the smart board explaining the game. It started yesterday when the Kindergarten and EK classrooms were booed.  They were instructed to boo 2 other classrooms, and we were chosen!



Several students spent time today hunting down clues to try to figure out who booed us.  Top suspects were Dr. Surber, Mrs. McDavid, and Mrs. Delwiche.  The mystery was even dubbed “The Case of the Chaotic Classroom” by one first grader. (I think it sounds like a Nancy Drew or Hardy Boys mystery!)

Now we will pass the boo along.  Who’s next?

Happy Halloween!

Mary Poppins and a unicorn substituted for Mrs. Vanetti and Miss DellaValle today.

We began our Halloween celebrations right away this morning.  Lila’s dad volunteered to come in and help the class make breadstick witch fingers!  The students each made a long snake of dough, added rosemary for “hair”, indentations for knuckles, and a red sliced almond for a finger nail.

While the witch fingers baked, we heard a Halloween story.

We served the witch fingers at snack with some marinara sauce for dipping.  Delicious!

Next, we had some Halloween fun in our classroom.  Students could choose between two different Halloween-themed games (one reading-based and one math-based), a Halloween patterning activity, and two different dot-to-dot pictures which challenged the students’ higher number counting abilities to two different levels.

Finally, it was time for our costume parade and Halloween carnival, where the whole school performed two dances, and everyone had a chance to play carnival games to earn prizes.

Happy Halloween!